Friday, November 5, 2010

Lab 24: Scribbly Drawings

Well, I've been jumping around a bit in the book, trying different sections, but trying to work through each section in order. Today, I went to the "Inspired by Children and Childhood" section and tried my hand at "scribbly drawings." Just as the name suggests, "scribbly drawings" are drawings that you scribble. Using a ball point pen, the idea is to first just scribble on a page for a minute or two, relaxing and trying different scribble designs. Here is my scribble page:

Next, you are instructed to look at something and draw it, using scribbling to create the image. The instructions state that this is not supposed to be a contour drawing. To avoid drawing the outline and then filling it in, the author suggests to start from the middle and go outward.

On my first try, I think I did an exact contour drawing:

Try again! I took a look at an old picture of my husband and myself. This picture, from 1997 is from before we were married. I was 23 years old in this picture:

Well, what do you think? Did I capture the essence of the photograph? I tried to complete these drawings without lifting my pen off the page, thus the connecting lines. Here are a few of my sketch book drawings:

I took these drawings and re-did them, a bit differently. This time I tried looking less at the page to create the one of my husband. I actually like his a bit better. I think the second one of me is too "cultivated."

And, I couldn't resist trying one of the little stuffed penguin that Tabitha loves so much. Here it is:

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