Why am I doing this and do I really have time? I have been wanting to blog about my wanderings for awhile now, but I don't want the blogging to get into the way of my wanderings. I am a dabbler - - a little of this and a little of that. I dabbled in Etsy for awhile and I really liked Etsy but the minute that I start getting paid for something, I no longer love it. Is that weird? I think this is why ATC cards suite my fancy - - I'm not getting paid to do it, there is a great variety in what I can and do make, and once it's created, it's gone - - given away and never to be seen by my eyes again. This is really the ultimate exercise in detachment. At first, I was so attached to my cards that I would make an extra for myself and then I would just scan in the cards and make a good quality copy, then I would just scan them in and now I just send them out. For blogging, though I'll have to do some scanning or I wouldn't have anything to show about what I'm up to. So, here goes... I'm blogging about my art (and probably my life). Here's to detachment and persevering in the bloggosphere!
Your musings hit home with me in a big way. I longed to become a full time INTENTIONAL artist, but life got in my way. I so enjoy the ATC process, putting my heart into each card, and then giving it away. I found it to be such a freeing way to let creativity flow. Thanks for sharing your journey. ~Chris