Here are my first few attempts next to the original photograph:

After drawing the outline with a fine-point permanent marker, you are to go back over the drawing with a finer point permanent marker and add in details, including shading, facial features, and texture. The drawings are to be simplistic and not-too detailed. In the first drawing of Tabitha, I added too much detail to her lips by adding fullness. I toned that down in the next drawing of Gideon. After a few drawings in my sketch book, and feeling more comfortable with the process, I drew a few more on Bristol for ATC cards. Here are those drawings:

Simon's eyes are particularly challenging, as they were in lab 9. After a few attempts, I figured out that instead of being oval-shaped, his eyes have an upward curve on the bottom lid, as well as the top. I tried to reflect that in the ATC card.